Does Defensive Driving Dismiss A Speeding Ticket?

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Tips


Does a defensive driving course dismiss a speeding ticket? Yes! In fact, taking a defensive driving course is usually the best solution to a speeding ticket if you’re eligible. Upon completion of an approved defensive driving course you will receive two copies of your Certificate of Completion. You will provide one copy to the court to dismiss your ticket, and the second copy can be provided to your insurance company for a potential auto insurance discount.

3 Biggest Benefits of Taking Defensive Driving:

Ticket Dismissed & Removed From Your Record

Lowest Cost

Save as much as 10% On Auto Insurance for 3 Years


Not only will the course dismiss the ticket from your record, but that insurance discount is valid for up to 3 years. For many people this means that receiving a speeding ticket will actually save them money in the long-term, in addition to refreshing your knowledge of safe-driving habits.

There are a few requirements for being able to take defensive driving.

  1. You must have a non-commercial driver’s license
  2. You must admit guilt or plead no contest (nolo contendere)
  3. The citation must be for driving within 25 miles per hour of the posted limit
  4. Your citation does not involve an infraction in a construction zone
  5. Your court must give you permission to take a certified defensive driving course.

Most drivers qualify, making an approved defensive driving course the best option for anyone who hasn’t already taken the course within the last 12 months. We urge drivers to consider all the benefits of the course, both financial and for their safety. If you’re not sure if you’re eligible, please reach out to our customer support team.


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Christina Martinez Texas, united states
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Sharie Blanton TX, United States
Very informative and easy to follow. Excellent information. I like the self paced component of the course.
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