Online Traffic School California
up to $250
  • Used in accordance with 1808.7 V.C.
  • Short & easy course
  • Completion receipt automatically sent to DMV
  • Register and get started in 5 minutes
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8 Reasons why over 2 million drivers choose
  • California Online Traffic School

    This defensive driving course can be used in accordance with 1808.7 V.C.
  • a+ bbb rating
    A+ BBB Rating
    We have been awarded the highest possible Better Business Bureau rating so you know you are in safe hands.
  • online courses
    All Courses 100% Online
    No classes and no commutes.
    Our courses are 100% online.
  • completion receipt delivery
    Fastest Completion Receipt Delivery
    As soon as you complete the course, your completion receipt is electronically submitted directly to the DMV.
  • video and text course available
    Video and Text Courses Available
    Choose your course based on how you prefer to study - read through the text or sit back and browse the video.
  • tablet and mobile friendly

    Tablet and Mobile Friendly
    Study and complete your course anywhere.
  • start and stop whenever you want
    Start and Stop Whenever You Want
    We'll save your progress for later. You can take as long as you need to finish.
  • no time restrictions
    No Time Restrictions
    Complete the course in 340 minutes or take as long as you need.

The roads in California are famous around the world, whether it is a scenic drive through Yosemite National park, or a sunny drive along the beaches of Los Angeles or San Diego. But as those who live in the Golden State will tell you, Californians are not immune to the occasional mishap while driving. Whether it is a road rage related incident, or just a need to get to an appointment when running late, around 16 million traffic violations are issued in this state each year. So whether you live in San Diego or San Francisco, the chances are that you are going to end up in traffic school at least once while living in California.

Traffic violations are no fun for anybody. It is rare that they come as a result of an intentional decision to drive recklessly. And whether it is because you were running late, or you just didn't realize how fast you were going, there is no reason that one incident of speeding, or a single driving mistake, should be held against you forever. Surely it's punishment enough that you have to pay a fine, why should it stay on your driving record forever? At, we don't believe that it should. We aim to provide help for everyday people, like yourself, who ended up with a traffic violation for speeding simply because they were running late, or ran a red light by accident. These are the people who we want to help get those traffic violations erased.

That is why we offer you traffic school online. California court allows for completion of traffic school to be used for traffic violations in accordance with 1808.7 V.C. You can take all of the necessary California courses with You won't even have to leave your house--it doesn't matter if you live in San Jose, San Diego, or in the middle of nowhere. We offer the lowest price available, and the fastest course allowed by law. And the good thing about our courses, is that you can start and stop whenever you want, and work around your own schedule, taking as long as you need to finish it. You can take the course in video format or simply read text, and you can access it on any device, including your phone.

Going to traffic school can be a hassle, but taking online traffic school is a completely different experience, especially when you use It is both easy and convenient to complete. Take a look at our site and register for a course today.

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Here's what people are saying about us
  • I tried another course before and it put me to sleep. I just went ahead and paid the ticket. This course kept me interested and awake.
    Elizabeth A.
  • This was a very easy, fast course that helped me learn a few things I didn't even know.
    Jordan M
  • I was very pleased with the course and would recommend it to anyone.
    Delia C.
  • Thank you for a great way to allow us to take a refresher course on defensive driving that allows us to work at our own pace.
    Henry P.
  • This is a great and well thought out course. I am 58 years of age and learned a great deal and have changed some of my driving habits as a result of taking the course. Thanks.
    Mark G.
  • This was the best DD experience I've ever had! Thank you so much. I love you!
    Gabriella C.
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