When Car Design Meets High Fashion

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Car Stuff, CES 2016, Defensive Driving Online, My Kind of Driving, news

By now most of use take for granted the basic design of a car. Four wheels, obviously, but a body that, while differing with every different model, is essentially the same shape. Of course, this is a necessity drawn out of safety and functionality. But what would happen if we completely flipped around our current perceptions of what car should be?

It’s that question that shoe designer United Nude sought to answer, and how they came up with the Lo Res car. The concept was inspired by lowering the resolution of a Lamborghini Countach, and then redesigning each aspect of the interior, each step of the way.

The result is this trippy, yet sleek high fashion version of a car. Take a look at the photos, and read more about the Lo Res car in this article from the BBC, or on United Nude’s website.
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