What Kind of Driver Are You? [QUIZ]

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Born to Drive, My Kind of Driving

We all have our on-the-road personas – even the most demure person can become an aggressive maniac when driving. Likewise, some people are completely oblivious behind the wheel, and others are convinced that it is a race. Some value safety and rule-keeping over anything else, and some are just looking to find joy in the journey. Whether it’s something to do with the amount of driving you do or the kind of distractions that you face when you are in the car, for some reason most people have a driving personality that differs from their regular persona.

If you find that your driving persona is a little extreme (think lots of constant swearing behind the wheel), you might want to tone it down a little. After all, if everyone took wised up and took a defensive driving course, we might just have fewer accidents!

What kind of driver are you? Take the quiz to find out, and tell us your results on Facebook!


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