Tires, tread, air, oh my

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in southernbelledriver

Most of us figure that as long as our tires aren’t flat then they’re OK. It’s quite the opposite. Tires are what keep us attached to the road and need as much attention as gas levels. Tires should be monitored often with a pressure gauge or manually for air or any rubber irregularities.

Take time to look over your tires and check for wear and tear. This will prevent an inconvenient tire blowout. Your owners manual will have the recommended tire pressure from the manufacturer. To examine tire baldness put Lincoln’s head into one of the grooves on the tread. Select a point on your tire where tread appears the lowest. If his head is hidden by the tread, you’re driving with the legal and safe amount of tread. If you can see above his head then it’s time for new tires.

Low air pressure can lead to inconsistent wear causing an increase in the breaking distance and affect steering and handling. Following these handy tips will improve gas mileage and keep you, your loved ones and others on the road safe. Another great safety tip is to take the online driver safety course. Not only is it great for ticket dismissal you can also get discounts for auto insurance.


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