Three Fun Ways to Pass the Time on Your Road Trip…

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Tips

“Are we there yet?” “I’m bored” “Get me out of here!” If you have ever been on a road trip, you have probably heard at least one of these phrases. It is no secret that kids get bored easily. Hey, even some adults can’t stand being in the car for very long. The good news is that there are plenty of games that you can play that require nothing more than a little brainpower. Here are three games that will pass the time so quickly that you will arrive at your destination before you know it.

Single Sentence Storytelling

This simple game can get your creative juices flowing and will have the entire family laughing uncontrollably. The rules are simple: each person contributes to the story one sentence at a time. Go around to each person in an orderly fashion and try to make the story take a dramatic turn every time your turn comes around.

Twenty Questions

Bring out the detective within you by playing a classic round of 20 Questions. According to, the person whose turn it is begins by thinking of something. It can be anything at all as long as it is a noun. The rest of the people in the car then team up and only get 20 questions to ask to figure out the mystery object. The catch is that each question has to have a yes or no answer. (Some questions to start you off: Is it an animal? Will it fit in the car? Can I pick it up?) Whoever guesses the item first gets to choose the next item. If no one can figure it out after 20 questions, that person scores a point and gets to go again. At the end of the day, the winner is the person with the most points.

Going on a Picnic

This fun game will have you challenging your brain as you plan the perfect picnic. You start out by saying, “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m going to bring apples (or any other item that starts with an A). The next person says, “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m going to bring apples and bananas (or any other item that starts with a B). You get the point. You go around the car, and each person has to add a new item to the list that starts with the next consecutive letter of the alphabet, but they have to repeat the entire list first. Not only can this game help teach your kids the alphabet, but it will also make you realize just how great (or poor) your memory really is.

By playing these games, you will make the time fly by as you create memories to last a lifetime. Just remember, even if the games are entertaining, you always want to make driving defensively a priority. Because the most important thing is that you arrive to your destination safely.



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