Speeding: Getting From Point A to B

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Driver Safety For You & Your Family

You wake up in the morning, late. So you run to get ready for work, school,  that important meeting, or volunteering. You have to make your commitment on time and cannot believe you overslept.

Familiar scenario? This happens to us all at least once in our lifetime.

This isn’t the worst part of the entire scenario. Because this is how your day started, it will probably be like this throughout your entire day. While rushing to get to your destination via speeding, you are pulled over and issued a citation. Now you are even further behind.

Now this could get worse. If you have a position as a driver, this citation could mean termination, suspension or have other negative effects. This is where DefensiveDriving.com’s programs come into play. Learning bad habits and behaviors help keep your driver record in good standing.

A good driver record for an employee may keep a company’s insurance rates low and can ensure productivity.

Company driver training is good for all employees, especially when vicarious liability is considered. In a state such as Texas where business often takes place on four wheels, Company driver training with DefensiveDriving.com is sure to enforce safety. A recent DefensiveDriving.com student stated “I think everyone needs to take this course.”
Companies across the globe are taking company driver training with DefensiveDriving.com DefensiveDriving.coms’ driving programs shows compliance with the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration, OSHA requirements and corporate social responsibility.

Call today to set your company on the path to driver safety: 888-545-5422


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Christina Martinez Texas, united states
Thomas Richter TX, United States
Sharie Blanton TX, United States
Very informative and easy to follow. Excellent information. I like the self paced component of the course.
Very good
Alexander Rivera united states
Very easy to navigate
William Martin None, united states
Very,very easy
Tiffany Nichols None, united states
Love it
vivian bishop None, united states
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