Rush Hour Traffic Cheat Sheet

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Tips, Driving and Safety Tips

Going to work on a Monday morning is tough enough, but when you’re faced with a mass of rush hour traffic, it can be almost unbearable (not to mention you’re getting later for work by the minute). If you are smart about it however, you will find that you can actually avoid some of the worse traffic, and make your morning commute a lot more pleasant. Here are some of the best tips for dealing with rush hour traffic.


It is known as “rush hour,” so it makes sense that timing would be a huge factor in navigating heavy traffic. While most places have heaviest traffic the hour before and after the regular work day (nine to five), it differs from city to city. A good idea can be to try leaving at different times each day, and keep a mental note (or a note on your phone if you are forgetful!) of which times are the most and least busy.

Do this for a couple of weeks, and you will start to see a pattern. This works well if you are able to work flexible hours, but if you don’t have that luxury and still want to avoid traffic, simply get to work a little bit early and bring breakfast, or stay a little late and bring a book to read.


If there is one big highway that runs through most of the state, the chances are, that’s the one that you want to avoid on your way to work. While it might be the most direct route, if you are constantly hitting heavy traffic it could actually be a lot slower than some of the back roads that you could take instead. Time yourself taking each route. Likewise, there might be a freeway exit that is right next to your office, but it could be less crowded if you take the one before or after instead.


Traffic can be stressful, but never as much as it is when you are running late for work. So, although it may seem obvious, a huge part of streamlining your commute is making sure that you are never late. The best way to do this is through proper planning and preparation. Plan out your outfit the night before, place your keys and other important things by the door, and make your lunch and put it in the fridge before you go to bed. You could also use your smartphone to plan out the best route or a new route to try to get to work the next day.


While you might get frustrated with other traffic on the road, it will not help you at all if you try weaving in and out of traffic, constantly tailgating, overtaking, and speeding. Drive defensively and you will not only arrive in one piece, but you may even find that you get there earlier. Aggressive driving leads to problems such as car accidents and speeding tickets. And if you get pulled over you will not only face a hefty fine, but you will lost precious minutes that could make you late for work.


These tips should help you out a little when it comes to getting from A to B in the quickest way possible, but the most important tip of all is to drive safely. When it all comes down to it, if you leave for work late, you are going to be late. So you might as well call your boss, and then relax and enjoy your commute.


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