Power, Privilege and Ticket Dismissal

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in My Kind of Driving

Hollywood’s Mayor Peter Bober didn’t pay a fine, go to traffic school or have any points added to his driver’s license for allegedly traveling 20 miles over the speed limit on Hollywood Boulevard in December. His speeding ticket was dismissed last month due to “a technical deficiency”, said Andrew Coffey, Bober’s attorney.

“This happens all the time”, Coffey said. “This is exactly why you hire an attorney.”

Bober was detected via radar in his 2009 BMW.

Now for those of us who aren’t privileged enough to have a  high powered lawyer have our traffic case thrown out due to “a technical deficiency”, are sure to receive fines and points.  But DefensiveDriving.com will be there offering a low cost state approved online driver safety course to get those points reduced. 


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