In Florida, Age Does Not Reflect Driving Ability

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Tips

Each year millions of people become “seniors”.  As a group, they are among the safest drivers because they wear seat belts, obey the speed limit and avoid drinking and driving.  However, they are also some of the most likely to be injured or killed in an accident.

In the next twenty years, the number of senior drivers is expected to triple.  In Florida, where there is already a large senior population, that number could quadruple.  Despite the potential to put in nick in someones pride, a mature driving course should be considered as you find your skills diminishing as your age increases.

If you have been fortunate enough to not received a traffic citation in the past several years, you could find yourself complacent and think you drive just fine.  However as your eye site, hearing and physical strength begins to diminish, you might want to refresh yourself with a Florida traffic school course as a precautionary measure.  A course like this can provide a refresher as to things to look out for to become a safer driver.  In fact, a defensive driving course every couple years even without a traffic citation is just a smart idea for overall driving safety.


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