How Do I Remove Points from My Driving Record?…

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Tips

So you made a mistake and got a ticket. You paid the fine and vowed never to speed again. Now you’re in the clear, right? Well, that depends. If you live in a state that implements the driver point system, you have a long way to go before you are in the clear. When you got the ticket, you also received points attached to your driving record, points that stay on your record for several years. These points accumulate, leading to fines, license suspension, and increased insurance premiums. Guess you should have thought twice before speeding, huh? But wait, there is some good news. There is a way to remove these points from your record.


There is? Sweet! What do I need to do?


Well, for starters you can keep your promise to never break the law again. This is a sure-fire way to eventually get the points removed. Each state is different in the length of time the points stay on your record, but in Texas they will be there for three years.


Three years? That’s crazy! Isn’t there a faster way?


We are so glad you asked! Actually, there is a much faster way. Most states allow you take a defensive driving class to reduce the amount of points on your record. In fact, in Texas, if you take a defensive driving class you can completely eliminate the points from a moving violation. As long as the course is approved by the state, you are good to go.


That all sounds great, but who has that kind of time? Maybe I’ll just risk keeping the points.


That would be a big mistake. You never know what the future holds. Do you really want to risk potential fines and license suspension?


Plus, at we make it so easy. There is no physical classroom that you have to worry about driving to. Our class is all online. That means you can complete the class at home in your pajamas or even at the office during a boring staff meeting. And if your boss catches on, don’t worry. You can start and stop the course as many times as you want as long as it is completed within 90 days. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate showing just how educated you are. This certificate is your ticket to point removal and lowered insurance premiums.


If you have received a moving violation, do not just sit back and succumb to the fact that the points have to stay on your record for several years. Be proactive and complete one of our driving courses today!


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