Do you pass school buses?

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in The Daily Drive

I recently read an article about an undercover sting operation which took place in Florida and I must say, I was somewhat shocked.   Apparently, there is a real problem in Volusia County Florida when it comes to drivers passing school buses, enough of one, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Department initiated a “special traffic enforcement” to catch people passing school buses?

It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus, this is something everyone should know!

In Florida, the statute is 316.172 and in layman terms it simply states you cannot pass a bus which is displaying its stop signal.

So here’s the amazing number… they issued 93, that’s right 93 tickets, for breaking this law!   In one day!

There are kids on those buses people and there is a reason for the law.   Seven kids have been injured in accidents since the beginning of the school year in Volusia County and thus, the reason for this sting. offers a Florida Approved Traffic School and we hear a lot of feedback from people, ” Well I drive safely, and there is no reason for me to take, or I do not need to take an online driver safety course because I do not have a need for ticket dismissal.”

Simply put, our driver safety course can help you understand the fundamentals with respect to driving safe and they will help you with point reduction, auto insurance discounts and with ticket dismissal, if you have one.

With 93 people getting tickets in one day in one county in Florida for passing school buses, the more people who are voluntarily taking online driver safety courses to “aid” with their education, the better.

Drive Safely… and Friendly!



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