Defensive Driving Online In Texas

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How to Take an Online Defensive Driving Course in Texas

from wikiHow – The How to Manual That You Can Edit

There are two main reasons most people take a defensive driving course in Texas, ticket dismissal and insurance rate reduction. Defensive driving courses are mandated to last six hours, and so many people are now opting to take the course online. The advantages are that you can do it at home, on your computer, and at your own pace. It still requires six hours of coursework, but you can take up to three months to complete it


For ticket dismissal

  1. Request permission of the court to take the course. You have until the appearance date shown on the ticket to make the request. This can be done in person or by mail. Contact the court indicated on your ticket. (If you are unsure if you are eligible to take defensive driving to dismiss a ticket, see the criteria listed below.)
  2. Prepare your information to mail to take in to the court. Courts will require this information:
    • Admission of guilt or signed statement that you do not contest the citation.
    • Proof of a valid Texas driver’s license
    • Court administrative fee (varies by court)
    • Copy of your insurance policy
  3. Find a course online. The simplest way is to type “defensive driving online texas” into your favorite search engine on your computer. That will give you many choices. But, make sure the company you select is accepted by the State of Texas. Defensive driving courses in Texas are overseen by the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration. All of these courses must last six hours. If you find one that says it doesn’t last six hours, it’s too good to be true.
  4. When you finish your defensive driving course you will receive a Certificate of Completion. You have to turn this certificate in the Texas County Clerk’s office. From the time you receive permission to take the course, you have 90 days to turn in the certificate. Many online defensive driving courses allow you 90 days to take the course. You can log on and off at your discretion. But be sure to be done and have your paperwork in by the due date.

To take defensive driving online for insurance reduction

  1. Make sure your insurance company accepts a defensive driving class as a way to reduce your insurance cost.
  2. Find a course online. The simplest way is to type “defensive driving online Texas” into your favorite search engine on your computer. That will give you many choices. Make sure it is accepted by the State of Texas. Defensive driving courses in Texas are overseen by the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration. All of these courses must last six hours. If you find one that says it doesn’t last six hours, it’s not going to be officially recognized by the TEA.
  3. When you finish your defensive driving course you will receive a Certificate of Completion. Send that certificate to your insurance company to receive your fee discount.


You cannot take defensive driving online to dismiss a ticket if:

  • You have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL);
  • You have already taken defensive driving for ticket dismissal within the last 12 months;
  • You do not have a valid Texas Driver’s License (there are exemptions for military)

You cannot take defensive driving online to dismiss a ticket if you are charged with:

  • Driving 95 miles per hour or more
  • Speeding 25 miles per hour or more over the posted speed limit
  • Passing a school bus
  • Committing a serious traffic violation
  • Other criteria at the discretion of the court


Out of State Residents with a Texas Ticket

  • If you have a driver’s license from out of state and receive a traffic ticket in Texas, you may be allowed to take a Texas defensive driving course to dismiss that ticket, but it’s up to the judge. Go through the process outlined above to apply for permission to take an online defensive driving course. But remember that regardless of the state in which you reside, the course you take will need to be accepted in Texas.

Things You’ll Need


  • Computer
  • Credit Card
  • Comfy chair

Sources and Citations


Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Take an Online Defensive Driving Course in Texas. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.


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