Category Archives: Driving Distractions
← Older postsNewer posts →Study: Parents are Setting Bad Example When it Comes to Distracted Driving
It is often thought that the best way to get people to act a certain way is to lead by example. However, when it comes to parenting, any child will tell you that their parents do not always practice what … Continue reading
Posted in Defensive Driving Online, Distracted Driving, Driving and Safety Tips, Driving Distractions |5 Surprising Things People do While Driving
Distracted driving isn’t limited simply to texting or jamming out to the latest hit. There are several bizarre ways to keep yourself focused anywhere but on the road. We’ve compiled a list of ten of the most surprising ways people … Continue reading
Posted in Defensive Driving Online, Distracted Driving, Driving Distractions |Genius YouTube Video Has a Hidden Car Crash Easter Egg
There are a lot of advertisements out there that are designed to prevent people from driving recklessly, and their purpose is a noble one. However, when there are so many similar ads, the internet quickly becomes oversaturated and … Continue reading
Posted in Crash & Burn: Life in the Fastlane, Defensive Driving Online, Driving Distractions, news, Speed |Florida Basic Driver Improvement
Traffic School for Florida offers point reduction and discounts for auto insurance. In most cases, if you receive a traffic citation you will be eligible to complete a Florida approved traffic school course. You are permitted to complete the course once a year and up … Continue reading
Posted in Driving Distractions |Will Using Google Glass While Driving Be the Next Big Traffic Violation?
We are all aware texting and driving is a bad thing. It distracts drivers, causes accidents and is overall terrible for the safety of drivers. The creation of the smartphone might be even worse for safety than your … Continue reading
Posted in Driving Distractions | Tagged distracted driving awareness month, google glass driving, google glass traffic violation |Sleepy Driving
Whoa! This guy better wake up soon! Sleeping while driving is a sure way to hurt yourself as well as others. Sleepiness decreases your reaction time and your awareness. When your tired, your ability to react, concentrate, and make good driving … Continue reading
Posted in Driving Distractions |Driving Distractions [Infographic]
Can you remember when you first learned to drive? Remember how surreal it was to be in control of a vehicle that was moving so quickly? Perhaps you were a nervous driver at first, or maybe it was easy, … Continue reading
Posted in Driving Distractions | Tagged driving distractions, driving distractions survey, talking on phone driving, texting and driving |6 Crazy Incidents of Distracted Driving
Tens of thousands of people die every year in the United States, as a result of car accidents. A large portion of these are due to distracted driving. Distracted driving is anything that takes a driver’s attention away from … Continue reading
Posted in Defensive Driving Online, Distracted Driving, Driver Safety For You & Your Family, Driving Distractions |Texting While Driving: The Ongoing Debate
Texting is one of the greatest technologies of our time. According to Nielsen estimates, over 350 billion text messages are sent every month worldwide. But from the moment texting first became prevalent in our culture, there have been … Continue reading
Posted in Defensive Driving Tips, Driving Distractions | Tagged future of texting and driving, texting and driving debate |New Viral Video Proves No One’s A “Textpert” [VIDEO]
When you are driving, there is nothing more annoying than getting stuck behind someone who is just not paying attention. Whether it’s because they are texting, drinking a latte, or getting a massage (you’ll see), some people do … Continue reading
Posted in Driving Distractions, Helping You Drive Safely | Tagged i'm a texpert, texpert youtube viral, texting and driving | ← Older postsNewer posts →