Buckle Up for Safety

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Helping You Drive Safely

DefensiveDriving.com values the importance of safe driving.  Our award-winning Wheels in Motion course, developed by the experts at DefensiveDriving.com, provides useful information on all aspects of driving:  pulling out of a skid, avoiding collisions, how to make an emergency lane change, what to do if your car overheats, etc.  

Just as the Department of Motor Vehicles advises, buckle up every driver, every time, the DefensiveDriving.com video offers valuable information on the importance of seat belt usage.  Seat belts save lives!

I saw this video on the Internet and wanted to share:

Log on to www.WheelsinMotion.com to register today!  DefensiveDriving.com’s courses (approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Registration CP284 since 2000) may be used for ticket dismissal and an auto insurance discount of up to 10% annually.  You will become a safer driver and you may even save a life!!!


Customer Reviews

Defensivedriving.com has a ShopperApproved rating of 4.6 based on 136798 ratings and reviews.

Christina Martinez Texas, united states
Thomas Richter TX, United States
Sharie Blanton TX, United States
Very informative and easy to follow. Excellent information. I like the self paced component of the course.
Very good
Alexander Rivera united states
Very easy to navigate
William Martin None, united states
Very,very easy
Tiffany Nichols None, united states
Love it
vivian bishop None, united states
See all reviews on shopperApproved.com
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