9 Steps to Keeping Healthy When You Drive A Lot

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Online, Driving and Safety Tips, Everyday Driver

With the way that modern America functions, you often have to go out of your way to find time to exercise. Cars are comfortable and convenient, and certainly make our lives easier, but when you only travel from one place to another by sitting, it can be hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Especially if you job involves a long commute or lots of driving throughout the day.

So how do you keep healthy when you drive a lot? There are actually more ways to do so than you might think. Here are a few.

1. stretch

When you spend a lot of time in a car, it can really take a toll on your body. Sitting in the same position for long amounts of time can soon affect your health. Taking some time each night to strengthen and loosen up your muscles with some light stretching can save you a lot of pain.

2. watch your posture

Likewise, your posture is incredibly important. Make sure that your seat is in a good position, and practice good posture or you may run into back and neck problems.

3. watch what you eat

When you don’t get the chance to exercise very often, it is all the more important to watch what you eat. Of course, a healthy diet should really be a priority anyway, so try to eat more vegetables, and cut out those trans fats!

4. hydrate on the road

Staying hydrated is always important, and studies have actually shown that better hydrated drivers actually become more skilled drivers. So perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to always have a water bottle in your cup holder.

5. set aside specific exercise time

If you do have a job that keeps you busy and driving a lot, it can eat away at your free time, and exercise is often sent to the back burner. Make exercise a priority, and schedule specific, non-negotiable time to do it.

6. park further away

And if you don’t have time for a full workout, look for ways to incorporate exercise into your everyday routine. For example, next time you go to the store, park at the far end of the parking lot and get a few more steps in for the day.

7. use a standing desk

It’s not ideal to go from sitting in a car to sitting at a desk, and back to the car again. Many offices are starting to incorporate standing desks into the workplace, which gives employees a chance to stand as they work. If this is an option for you, use it!

8. find a hobby that keeps you healthy

Exercise is hard, but it’s even harder if you don’t enjoy it. If you can find a hobby that also keeps you healthy, such as dog walking or a sport of some kind, it’ll be that much easier to bring yourself to do it.

9. get plenty of rest

Getting plenty of sleep each night is essential in keeping you healthy, but it is also essential in preventing drowsy driving. Make sure you make sleep a priority and it could save more than just your health.
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