7 Weird Things That Everyone Does While Driving

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Online, My Kind of Driving

Whether you find driving fun or tedious, you have probably developed more than a few habits that keep you entertained while you are driving. Whether it is singing or talking to yourself, we are all guilty of it–let’s take a look at some of the weirdest things that people do while driving.


Nine out of ten drivers admit to singing while driving, so if you ever belt into song behind the wheel, you are definitely in the minority! Whether it’s crooning a lot to your favorite pop hit on the radio, or coming up with original compositions, the front seat of a car is the best stage of all.

talking to yourself or other drivers

Sometimes road rage takes over, and you find yourself yelling instructions at another driver who clearly can’t hear you, but for some of us no road rage is even required to ignite a conversation between yourself and…well, yourself. Whether it’s running through your chores, remembering something funny that happened earlier, or even chastising yourself for making a driving error, some of your best conversations can happen on your own in a car.

looking at other drivers

Admit it, when you pull up to a traffic light, the first thing you do is take a look at the people in the car stopped next to you.

make up stories about people

And then you probably decide who they are, where they are going, and what there story is, all before the light turns green.

nose picking

This may sound gross, but one in three male drivers picks their nose while driving, and we’re guessing the statistics are similar for women. But be warned–though you may think you have total privacy, fellow motorists will probably notice if you are picking your nose at a traffic light!

turn the music down to look for places

You’re almost at a new destination, you need to find the right house, so you’d better turn the music down so that you can see it properly, right? It’s a foolproof method adopted by many drivers, even in the days of Google Maps.

worry about stupid things

Are people judging the speed of my windshield wipers? Did that driver just give me a dirty look? Did I just cut that person off? Did I leave the oven on? When was the last time I used my oven? Even the best drivers among us probable spend more time that we should overanalyzing our own driving habits and worrying about things that we cannot control.
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