7 Easy Ways to Save Money as a Car Owner

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Car Maintenance, Defensive Driving Online, Everyday Driver

Cars can be a great and enjoyable way to get from one place to another, but as much as we love them, they can also be a huge drain on your finances. As such, any chance that car owners have to save on expenses is always welcome. Here are some of the best ways to save money as a car owner.

1. shop around the best deal on insurance

Too many people make mistakes when it comes to car insurance, but actually there are a lot of ways through which you can save money on it. Never take the first quote you receive for insurance, and continue shopping for deals even after you have insurance for awhile. For some tips on how to get the best out of your car insurance, check out this article.

2. carry out preventative care

Though it can be tempting to only spend money when you absolutely have to, the best way to save is often by doing those little things that will help in the long run. Change your oil regularly, check and change your air filter, top up fluids as needed. Don’t hesitate to carry out those essential tasks that are seemingly inconsequential.

3. do your own maintenance

And to further save money on maintenance, as well as certain repairs, do them yourself. You might be surprised at just how easy many of the routine checks and repairs are. Check out our step-by-step guide for help on a few of these.

4. control your gas usage

An awful lot of money is wasted on gas each year, and there are tons of ways to cut back–even if you don’t have an especially energy efficient vehicle. If you commute to work, look into public transport as an alternative, think about carpooling with others, or start using a gas price monitoring app.

5. wash your car yourself

Washing your car regularly can help to prevent rust and other problems, increasing both its life and its value. But going to expensive car washes is one way to waste a lot of money. It is estimated that you could save simply by washing it yourself.

6. drive responsibly

Not only does speeding fail to save you any time on your morning commute, it is also a drain on your car. Constant speeding, accelerating, and braking adds a lot to the wear and tear of your vehicle, not to mention the extra gas you will use.

7. take a defensive driving course

Taking a defensive driving course can help you with a number of the aforementioned steps. It can lower your insurance premium, help you to drive more responsibly, and save you money on traffic tickets. What’s more, you can take it online, right here on DefensiveDriving.com.

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