4 Tips to Keep in Mind for Your Holiday Road Trip

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Tips

There are so many indications that it’s yule-time season. Christmas tree sales are ramping up, the temperature in most of the continental United States is noticeably colder and travel plans for the holidays are in full swing. The holidays have arrived in America.


Holiday road trip


Soon your son, daughter, cousin or other relatives or even yourself will start driving. However, before you complete your holiday décor setup or decide to traverse the highways to your relative’s homes here are some tips to keep in mind for the requisite holiday road trip:


1. Review the Law

Driving through other states mean one thing; you must obey traffic laws of respective states. As exhilarating as driving may be, or not, you should look into the state and local driving laws to avoid any issues with law enforcement. Unfamiliar states, highways and traffic light laws may translate into traffic violations that may in turn lead to fines.


2. Drunk Driving is a Staple

Christmas holidays means more than chestnuts roasting on an open fire should be expected. You should expect copious amounts of alcohol consumption. Drunk driving is an absolute no-no for you but what you need to be aware of as well are other drivers who may appear to be driving under the influence. If you suspect someone is driving under the influence be sure to check that your seat belt is secure, maintain a safe following distance and use extra caution at intersections. If at all possible avoid late night driving.


3. Check Your Car

Before thinking about driving to your family’s homes for the holidays check your car for long distance driving viability. To complete this check review your vehicle fluids, check your tire air pressure, change your oil, check your tire wear, check your car’s air filter and check all warning lights on the dashboard.


4. Car Rental Option

Some people are of the mindset that they would rather not put hundreds of miles on their cars. For those individuals, renting a vehicle may be the most viable option. Before settling on the perfect car for your trip be sure to check the fine print of the rental policy. Some rental companies do not allow out of state travel where as some may have mileage limitations. Explore the finer points of the collision damage waiver options, liability coverage and accident insurance.


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