Distracted Driving? Montana Motorist Pulled Over for Transporting Thousands of Bees

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Online, Distracted Driving, news

While we often only think of the obvious–such as texting or talking on the phone–here are a lot of different kinds of distracted driving, some crazier than others. One incident has just come out of Montana however, that we doubt has happened many times before.

A man was pulled over by Montana Highway Patrol for driving with five beehives that were not properly sealed–resulting in thousands of bees flying freely throughout the vehicle. Though the driver claimed that they were “harmless Russian honey bees,” the trooper deemed it incredibly unsafe, and the driver was cited for careless driving.

Though we are more likely to have to deal with more common issues, such as cellphone use or wearing a seat belt, it might be worth adding “loose bees” to your list of driving no-nos!

On 5/22 MHP dispatch received a traffic complaint of a vehicle driving all over the road. The reporting party stated…

Posted by Montana Highway Patrol on Saturday, 30 May 2015



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