Useful Apps to Prevent Distracted Driving

Posted on by Defensive Driving | in Defensive Driving Online, Distracted Driving, Driver Safety For You & Your Family, Driving and Safety Tips

Driving distracted is something that will always create a dangerous situation, for both yourself and others, on the road. But while many of us know the dangers of distracted driving, it can still be difficult to stop ourselves from doing it, especially when it comes to using our phones behind the wheel. There are a number of initiatives that can help us to break that habit, such as the Red Thumb Reminder campaign.

However you might find that the best preventative measure is installing an app on your phone instead–or perhaps more likely, the phone of your teenage child. What sorts of apps are the best for preventing distracted driving? We’ve collected some right here to help you out.


Canary is good app if you are looking to monitor your child’s driving habits. It can notify you if they are speeding, or if they use their phone while driving. The accountability that this app provides means that you could also use it with someone else if you want to monitor yourself.


This app is great because, rather than simply preventing you from texting while driving, it actually provides a solution. It will dictate emails, texts, and other alerts to you, and allow you to reply to them completely hands free.

AT&T DriveMode

The DriveMode app has been around for awhile, and its simplicity makes it a good choice for anyone. Once you reach at least 25mph the app kicks into gear, and will silence your phone, sending automatic replies out to everyone that texts you. The parents among you can also set it up to send you notifications if DriveMode is deactivated.


Cellcontrol requires a piece of hardware to go along with the app, but once it is installed, it will prevent not just phones, but any device that may tempt drivers from driving distracted.
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